ShapeShifting Actualization Optimal Engagement Meeting Your Situation

About Tim Sobie, PT, Ph.D.
Dr. Tim Sobie is both a physical therapist (OUHSC 86’) and a senior practitioner in The Feldenkrais Method® (FPTP Oregon 96’). He completed his Master of Science degree in Behavioral Medicine in 1999 and his doctoral dissertation research Ph.D. in clinical psychophysiology (Mind Body Medicine) at Saybrook University in 2016 by comparing an original, body schema & neuroplasticity-based Feldenkrais approach against usual physical therapy 'core stabilization' protocols for chronic low back pain. He is now also certified in Office Ergonomics via the OEAP program, North Carolina State University.
Tim continues as clinical director of Alliant Physical Therapy & Integral Medicine (www.alliantcare.com) in Tacoma-Olympia, WA, USA, while moving to teach courses & consult online via his founding of iMAPS (Institute for MorphAbility & PhysioSomatics - here at http://timsobie.com) in addition to podcast hosting his multimedia YouTube channel: En∙Morphi∙Cadia.TV

That's MorphAbility!
Services & Offerings
Alliant Physical Therapy
Integral Medicine, PLLC
Tacoma & Olympia WA Locations
( Telehealth Options by Appointment )
Into Life,
Moving Forward,
Knowing How
Solving Posture, Pain, Mobility
& other Quality of Life issues
Head Neck, TMJ, Upper Back Shoulders, Hips, Knees, Low Back
other Multiple Regions of the Body
Medicare & Medicaid provider
Most Major Health Insurance
Work & Auto Injury Benefits
Cash & Credit Private Pay
30+ Years of
Effective & Sustainable Difference
Sub-Par Recreation & Agility Loss
Difficulty Walking / Going About
Balance & Dizziness & Falls
Moving Younger without Pain
"Tim's hands-on approach to pain and limitation is one of a kind -- and gentle. While I was at first skeptical, he helped me to recover lost mobility from an old injury at a downtime in my life when not much else was really working. Happy today, I can now walk for continuous miles without pain."
- David S.
“When I come to a blind alley, Tim is the first person I think of.”
- Naomi Rhoades, L.Ac., Licensed Acupuncturist, Faculty Member, Bastyr University
“Wow! This guy knows his stuff!”
- Susan J.
NEW for 2022
Office Ergonomic Consultations
Chair Desk & Keyboard Modifications
Onsite & Return to Workplace
Remote & Working from Home
Reduce Awkward Posture & RSI
Call (360) 359-5390
or e-mail Tim:
Every Sentient Being has a fluid & neuroplastic biology
BFF gets you unstuck from stasis of life.
...in these anxious times, 'Breathing, Fluids, and Flow ' can indeed become your reliable BFF (Best Friend Forever), in helping you to access airspace, heart space, head space & cell space.
Feeling Overwhelmed? Pulled in Multiple Directions?
Your inner gyroscope needs a new navigation!
...by using my inner-ear experiential anatomy process as a vestibular framework for ergonomic workspace & positive social-emotional presence, you too can harness internal superpowers for cultivating an ever-more-confident state of 'Neutral-Midrange-Maximum-Ease' in almost any confrontation situation that you may ever encounter.
Outside Adjustments are only an option -
not a necessity!
Banish Back & Neck Pain + Tension another way.
Send out an S.A.S. instead of an S.O.S. !
...while vertebral manipulation and soft tissue mobilization / release techniques are skillful applications for the short term; they are not meant to become a dependency-based lifestyle for the long term. By harnessing upgrades in 'background body schema' as a whole, and enlisting the power of neuroplasticity with Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT), you too can acquire a more resilient & self-organizing & functional spine.
Destination Retreat Workshops
Advanced Certification Trainings
Virtual Reality Bones™
Interoceptive Touch™
Immerse yourself into a weekend of retreat, practical learning, and meaningful engagement within my 4-part research-supported & multi-modal teaching approach. Then come out of it with a whole new dimension to differentiate & consolidate greater clarity, confidence, & effectiveness in your hands-on manual therapy, exercise training, or movement therapy practice...
“...unless there is significant change within a person's internal model for the sensory representation of effective action, becoming expressed and confirmed through new attention to new movement, then there is really no change at all..."
- Tim Sobie, PT, Ph.D.
Saybrook University
Clinical Research Dissertation 2016
Virtual Reality Bones™
I developed Virtual Reality Bones™ as a new tool that helps clients to clarify and shift their internal model - their “self image” or internal representation of their unique 'body map' - so they can make life-long changes for more effective use of whole self & pain-free action in the world. I look forward to sharing my work & application certification process with you.
Interoceptive Touch™
Cognitive Manual Therapy – Hands-on manipulation and manual therapy techniques with intent to alter body perception away from ‘correction of illness pathology’ and forward toward ‘the development of functional possibility’ with particular emphasis upon exploiting the inherent robustness of skeletal density contiguities being distributed throughout the entire body's skeletal framework as a whole.
Clarify & Solidify your New Practice Advantage!
Your patients and clients will Thank You!!!
Onsite Weekend Retreats & Advanced Certification Trainings can come to your region of the world - in 2022 and beyond!
Let's meet up & begin to plan it now!
SOBUS = MorphAbility
affords a descriptive acronym for consolidating your transformative skillsets
and for developing, shape-shifting & improving your
'Synergistic Organization for Behaviors Utilizing Space'
through the Virtual Augmentation of Embodied Sensory-Perception, Posture Orientation, and Movement
I'd love to hear from you
Meet Me Directly !
Get Free Access to my Virtual Workshop
Video Download & Replay of my Original Program :
"Anti-Gravitize Your Spine"

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